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Edouard Vuillard – The French Painter and Printmaker

The illustrious career of French painter & printmaker Edouard Vuillard spanned the fin de siecle (the end of the nineteenth century), during which he created over 3,000 paintings. Jean-Edouard Vuillard was born on November 11, 1868, at Cuiseaux, France to a defense personnel’s family. In 1878, Vuillards shifted to Paris, where his father died in 1883. After his father’s death, the artist got academic scholarship, which helped him with his education. His mother took up dressmaking for subsistence, while his older sister, Marie, taught Vuillard to read.

Cloisonnist, Symbolist, & Post-Impressionist Painter – Emile Bernard

Born on April 28, 1868, in Lille, ‘Post-Impressionist’ painter Emile Henri Bernard or simply Emile Bernard is better known as the founder of ‘Cloisonnism.’ Despite his father’s opposition of his artistic interests, Emile’s grandmother’s support helped him enroll at the Ecole des Arts Decoratifs.

How to Paint People

How to paint people with watercolors, oils or acrylics can be done as a detailed portrait or as a simple suggestion of a figure. Either way adding people to your paintings is a great way to add interest. The viewer will spend more time looking at your painting when there are people featured in the scene.

Learning How to Use Your Paint Brush

If you are a self taught artist, you may be missing out on basic techniques to use when you are doing your decorative painting. It is never too late to take the time to learn. Add this knowledge to your current skills and improve your finished products. Learning never stops and can help keep your work fresh and up to date with the times.

How to Paint Pictures

There really is no easy answer to the question, ‘how to paint pictures?” – The simple answer is just dive in and practice. The less simple answer is buy your supplies, learn a few painting techniques, and practice some more.

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